About antiAtlas Journal
Digital, bilingual and in free access, the antiAtlas Journal opens an exploratory editorial space dedicated to a radical transdisciplinary approach to contemporary borders. As an extension of the antiAtlas of Borders project relying on a collaboration between researchers and artists, it experiments new methods of editing and of modelization of research. Its content is available online (desktop, tablets and mobiles) and in PDF format.
Designed by Thierry Fournier, the editorial and graphic layout of the Journal seizes the potential of a digital publication to extend the experience of reading research articles. Its “articles-landscape” design radically renews the approach to research texts. By opening up neighbourhoods and multiple circulations between text and images, it allows for transversal paths and variable scales of perception, which a linear organization would not allow – although it is still available in the PDF versions. Some very large images extend far beyond the screens: the exclusive circulation in an image becomes one of the narratives proposed, in the same way as the circulation in a text. See here the charter of texts and medias for authors.
Image © Anna Guilló 2019
Article submission and evaluation
The antiAtlas Journal’s special issues include contributions received in response to the editorial board’s calls for papers. In order to be considered, the draft texts have to be written in either French or English, be 1,000 words in length (including iconographic elements such as photos, videos, graphics, drawings etc.) and be provided in PDF format. The issue’s science editors evaluate these proposals in collaboration with the editorial board. The authors whose proposals are chosen will then submit an article that, in compliance with international standards, is reviewed by two anonymous readers who do not sit on the journal’s editorial board.
The submission process for non-theme articles is now open. These articles will be evaluated in the same way as those for special editions. If they are accepted, they will be included in one of the journal’s issues with the current year as the publication date.
Director of the Publication
Jean Cristofol
Editorial Director
Cedric Parizot
Artistic Direction and Design
Thierry Fournier
antiAtlas uses Lekton, an open source font designed in 2008 by ISIA Urbino
Editorial Committee
Jean Cristofol, Thierry Fournier, Anna Guilló, Cédric Parizot, Manoël Penicaud
Scientific and Artistic Committee
Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary, Elena Biserna, Thomas Cantens, Joana Moll, Sarah Mekdjian, Gilles de Rapper, Douglas Edric Stanley, Antoine Vion
antiAtlas Editions
Financial sponsors
IREMAM, Institut de recherches et d’études sur le monde arabe et musulman (UMR7310, Aix Marseille Université/CNRS), Institut d’ethnologie méditerranéenne, européenne et comparative (Idemec), Institut méditerranéen de recherches avancées (Aix Marseille Université), Réseau Labex+, Ecole supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence & Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, laboratoire PACTE (UMR 5194 CNRS/Université de Grenoble Alpes),PRISM, Perception représentation image son musique (UMR7061 Aix Marseille Université/CNRS)
Digital Publication Policy
Immediate and free publication
1 issue per year
ISSN 2495-7100
Cédric Parizot: cedric.parizot [a] gmail.com